Monday, February 4, 2013


I went to a super-bowl party today, my first.  I did not watch the game, but I did watch some of the pre-game festivities and also the people watching the T.V.  I was struck by the obvious passion people felt, particularly the game participants on the television.  That passion was a wonderful thing to observe, and feel in the case of the other observers in the room with me.  The object of their passion, the game, was silly, in my opinion, but the passion was quite real and delightful.  The tears, facial expressions and general body tension of the people on the screen were quite something to behold!

I also felt extremely uncomfortable due to the emotional chaos, intensity of feelings and the presence of the T.V.  I suspect that it was my last super bowl party!  I did spend most of the time in a small gathering away from most of the people and the T.V.  That part was pleasant.  Generally, I feel more connected and less chaotic in small groups.