Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I went to the Social Security office today, since I have been getting mail about “open enrollment” and “supplemental insurance” and I was assuming that I was approaching some sort of a change in my benefits and I wanted to find out what.  It turns out that the only change I am approaching is turning sixty five.  So, as I have witnessed before, my brain can come up with all sorts of negative, fear based stories and I am better off not making assumptions!
After going to the S.S. office, I went to a used book store and while there, something told me that I should go to my recovery meeting early and wait in the parking lot since someone else was coming early to talk with me.  Very strange, but I listened and acted accordingly.  The message was correct and I had a very good connection with another person.  This increase sensitivity is a lot of fun, I just need to listen..