Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Transcendental Place

There is a place between the absolute and the conscious mind that we have access to, with practice. I will call it the transcendent place, which, I believe, is what it has been called before. Another name which has been given to this place by me, Jill Bolte Taylor and others is "La-La land". A person can approach (get near it but not there, quite) this place through conscious thought, as in prayer, meditation, or things like intense dance, walking in the woods, climbing a mountain, etc.. How a person gets there differs from person to person, once there, the transcendent place varies little. It can then be accessed by allowing it to happen, but not willing it to happen. Only by allowing not willing it or striving for it. Then when it happens, it feels like a gift and a surprise. Conscious thought, even thinking “I’m doing it!” or “boy, this is neat!” dissipates it. All of a sudden the incessant chatter of the brain stops and a person feels the oneness of all things together with a feeling of great peace and a sense of euphoria, no language while there, only upon return. A person feels the “Unborn, eternal, imperishable, original” Self.