This website is about the value of love, spirituality, the potential of the mind-body connection and the connection with all things. These are my daily thoughts about my life, my feelings, and my spiritual journey. I post these "Daily Journals" on a regular basis, so please come back often to read my latest posting.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Worldly Activities
Yesterday, I found myself suggesting to someone that he be “in the world, but not of it”, meaning, in his case, that it was fine for him to participate in activities that lead to money, power and prestige, but not to attach to those ideas or think that they will complete him. It is certainly possible to participate in transient, worldly events and to still focus one’s being on the eternal “I am”. I, and many others before me, find it much simpler to lead a life largely, though not completely free of those distractions. Ideally, we could each find a level of participation that works for us. Personally, I have found that participating in worldly activities tends to pull me away from the reality of love and the Absolute that I have found, a price I am not willing to pay.