Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Yesterday I mentioned the many gifts I have received and one of those gifts is to realize that we know very little about what is really going on as we go about our daily activities. I like the comment of Claremont deCastillejo when she wrote "Scientists discover and theologians affirm; but faced with the mystery of life and death we know almost nothing." It is clear to me that there are at least two levels of reality which impact and interact with each other, with or without our conscious awareness. One level is our day to day material, earthly, transient existence and the other is the eternal, spiritual, essence or soul based level. Everything we do and say each day impacts on our spirit side. In many cases we are like kids playing in a sandbox, relatively oblivious to what is really going on. That certainly describes the way I used to be and is one of the reasons that I now consciously choose to act out of love.