Thursday, April 7, 2016

Unconditional Love

I was reading today in Mark Anthony’s book Evidence of Eternity, his comment that "Nancy Evans Bush, the president emeritus of the Near-Death Experience Society has said, "Most near-death experience [N.D.E.] subjects say they don’t think there is a God—they know there is a God." In 2006 I had an N.D.E., and I have also had numerous miraculous experiences of that same presence or force. In addition, I am with God every night through prayer and meditation. I have been gifted to know God, though I do not understand and cannot define that entity. I am in no way a religious person and I definitely have a less than "pure" past, meaning I am not "worthy" in any traditional sense, which seems to make no difference. Following that example, I love the people I meet regardless of what they do or believe.