Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Issues

Two issues come to mind which occupied my thoughts today. The first is that, like it or not, I have a very close relationship with the force or entity I call God. That closeness causes my life to be very different from most people in that they can sense the love and knowingness which stems from that relationship. That closeness also carries the responsibility of acting accordingly. I identify strongly with Jesus and really like the comment by Borg that "Finally, the image of Jesus as a spirit person has implications for how we think of the Christian life. It shifts the focus of the Christian life from believing in Jesus or believing in God to being in relationship to the same spirit that Jesus knew. It is the claim that I emphasized at the end of chapter 1 and that will emerge yet again in this book: that the Christian life moves beyond believing in God to being in relationship to God." I am inviting everyone to have that relationship, not just Christians.

The other issue which occupied my thoughts is that I have as a result of my history been only minimally socialized, meaning I don’t do well in social situations and come across as rude or uncaring, at times. I am asking for help and guidance and doing my best.