This website is about the value of love, spirituality, the potential of the mind-body connection and the connection with all things. These are my daily thoughts about my life, my feelings, and my spiritual journey. I post these "Daily Journals" on a regular basis, so please come back often to read my latest posting.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Tonight I keep going back and forth between, on the one hand, feeling fulfilled, loving and connected and on the other hand feeling like a useless, human, disabled mess. I usually feel grateful and loving, as I described last night. Then on some days, like today, I encounter many things I cannot do because of my physical condition. It is a good idea for me to accept each feeling, no matter how irrational, and allow the latter to pass, focusing on the love and gratitude — I’m just not there yet! "To get we must also give, to advance we must also surrender, to gain we must lose, to attain we must resign. From the nature of things life means choice and selection, and every positive choice negates all other possibilities." (Rufus Jones)