Thursday, March 12, 2020


I had a dream last night that reminded me that only if I love all aspects of myself can I truly soar and become all I can be.  In the dream I was asked or proposed  to use a ragtag group of around a dozen scruffy looking individuals in order to pilot some sort of flying ship that would take us to our destination.  Those dozen scruffy individuals were parts of my previous self that I still feel need some “cleaning up” in order to be useful — they do not they are perfect parts of me and my past.  The parts of my past self that come to mind are my sullen and resistant “pea coat”, the little boy that wandered in the woods and would talk to no-one and the “addictive, antisocial  jerk” of my years of using and drinking.  I found myself talking about the need for self-love yesterday.  My self-love needs to include these parts if I wish to soar.