Friday, June 4, 2021

Being of Service

  This entry has been very hard for me to write because on one hand I know that I am not “normal” or ordinary and that I do many things that others consider impossible.  I also know that I am just “another bozo on the bus”.I communicate with animals, plants, spirits and what I call God.  I have done things that were not possible to do and healed many conditions that I could not have.  I have done it all though help and guidance and I doubt that I was ever alone.  I am also Charlie who has surrendered totally and is only minimally attached to earthly things.  I lead a life of service and urge others to do what I have done, in their own way   “You will write and you will teach.  You will live an ordinary life, learning how to remain ordinary in a troubled world to which, in a sense, you no longer belong.  Remain ordinary, and you can be useful to others.” (Dan Millman)