Friday, February 7, 2014

Prayer & Meditation

It is now a bit before 2:30 A.M., part of the time each day that I devote to prayer, meditation and being with that power/force that I call God.  For some reason, it is this period each day that I am closest to God and make my strongest connection.  During this time, I frequently get instructions on how to conduct myself during the coming day and, occasionally, I am even told what will happen during the interactions that will take place, if that is important for me to know.  I also receive a great deal of physical, emotional and spiritual support during this period.  I begin this devotional period every day by acknowledging, internally, that I cannot do the things I do each day without the support and guidance I get during this time.  My being alive, quite literally, depends on this time each day and my connection with that power/force I call God.
When I was working full time, my period of prayer and meditation began at 5:00 A.M. and went until 6:00.  After I partially retired my starting time gradually shifted to 4:00, then 3:00 and now 1:30 to 2:00.  I never set an alarm and have tried, unsuccessfully, several times to sleep beyond that time.  I, now, just accept it, and know that even if I get little sleep, it will be just fine and I will be taken care of..