Personally, I have been taught to always strive to achieve things and that the possibility of failure was always there. The feeling was that failure was to be avoided, if possible. I now realize that this attitude is fear based and illusory. I feel a strong sense of freedom in that realization. The lack of guilt, shame, worthiness or duty, results in the freedom to accomplish things from a feeling of love.
This website is about the value of love, spirituality, the potential of the mind-body connection and the connection with all things. These are my daily thoughts about my life, my feelings, and my spiritual journey. I post these "Daily Journals" on a regular basis, so please come back often to read my latest posting.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
A Different View
Through my meditation and connection with the absolute, a place of love or God, it has become quite clear to me that it is not possible to fail at this thing we call life. As many others have realized while on a path similar to mine, the eternal purpose of life is living/dying and growing in love during the process. Within love, it is not possible to avoid accomplishing that, a realization that I find comforting. It is certainly possible to fail to achieve certain goals during the life process, but that failure has little or no eternal significance.
Personally, I have been taught to always strive to achieve things and that the possibility of failure was always there. The feeling was that failure was to be avoided, if possible. I now realize that this attitude is fear based and illusory. I feel a strong sense of freedom in that realization. The lack of guilt, shame, worthiness or duty, results in the freedom to accomplish things from a feeling of love.
Personally, I have been taught to always strive to achieve things and that the possibility of failure was always there. The feeling was that failure was to be avoided, if possible. I now realize that this attitude is fear based and illusory. I feel a strong sense of freedom in that realization. The lack of guilt, shame, worthiness or duty, results in the freedom to accomplish things from a feeling of love.