Knowing that everything in the universe is connected means to me that it is a good idea to pay attention to clues like those I describe above. As my wife pointed out, historically, I have not been good about paying attention, often with disastrous results. I would like to change that. Understanding is not required, but a good idea in some cases.
This website is about the value of love, spirituality, the potential of the mind-body connection and the connection with all things. These are my daily thoughts about my life, my feelings, and my spiritual journey. I post these "Daily Journals" on a regular basis, so please come back often to read my latest posting.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Yesterday morning at about 1:00, there were two coyotes calling right outside my window, in my yard. One was quite loud and strident, the other quieter. It was quite startling and gave me a strong feeling of foreboding, a form of warning of events to come, a feeling that I needed to get ready for something. The morning before that, this time at 4:00, while I was meditating, I heard something large and lumbering, like a bear, outside, on the deck around the kitchen area of our house. That event carried with it the need for courage and strength. Putting the two together, I think it a good idea to do everything I can to ready myself.
Knowing that everything in the universe is connected means to me that it is a good idea to pay attention to clues like those I describe above. As my wife pointed out, historically, I have not been good about paying attention, often with disastrous results. I would like to change that. Understanding is not required, but a good idea in some cases.
Knowing that everything in the universe is connected means to me that it is a good idea to pay attention to clues like those I describe above. As my wife pointed out, historically, I have not been good about paying attention, often with disastrous results. I would like to change that. Understanding is not required, but a good idea in some cases.