Thursday, May 14, 2020


I actually, primarily, enjoy the situation of the current shutdown and my life has not changed much from the simple way I normally live, though I do miss the human connection of my recovery meetings.  During most days I clean, cook, exercise, work in my gardens, sit quietly, meditate and talk with people on the phone.  I never shopped much, got involved in technology or was much of a consumer.   I have long realized that if everyone lived the way I choose to, that the economy would collapse and currently something like that is happening.  My hope is that some people find the joy and peace I have in this way of life and choose to continue the silence.  “To understand better the value of silence in daily life, and its relation to this spiritual transformation for which we yearn, it is useful first to consider the limitation of language, of words.....It is next useful to contemplate the limitations of logical reasoning.” (Daniel A. Seeger)