Sunday, December 27, 2020

Beyond Understanding

  I suspect I am not alone but I have had several occurrences in my life that are beyond the understanding of my linear, logical mind.  These are occurrences that could not have happened, but, never the less, did.  The first that I recall happened when I was a child growing up in Michigan and the last happened a couple of years ago in Maryland at the age of seventy.  Some happenings were spectacular and memorable like being “jerked out of space/time” or having a third degree burn healed in minutes, while others were less notable like seeing and feeling a cigarette butt flung at me when by back was turned and I was wearing clothing that would have prevented my feeling it.  I end up knowing, feeling and experiencing things that could not have happened.  It would be foolish of me to not admit that there must be some sort of power “out there” looking out for me, a Loving and protective presence.  “A mystical touch is a deep, intimate contact-union-experience of God in one of His attributes such as power, light, goodness, beauty, or joy.” (Thomas Dubay, S. M.)