Yesterday I went to my primary care doctor for a routine checkup, which I often find useful though I do not rely on western medicine for much and he certainly does not understand me or my practices. When I go to see him and enter that world view I have to be very careful with my own boundaries. His training and profession lead him to view his patients in terms of potential pathology, while my tendency is to look at myself in terms of health and healing. He commented that my thyroid problem “just went away” and I corrected by saying that I had healed it. He was also concerned that I got up each night two to three times to pee. He checked my prostate and was about to send me to a urologist. I asked him why and he pointed out that the urologist could give me medications to help my urinary problems. The fact is that I pee a lot and drink a lot of water (very healthy!) And I recall that doctors have expressed concern about my fluid intake all my life, the first time being when I was a graduate student and twenty-five.