Sunday, May 14, 2023

Beyond Forgiveness

  I was raised in a “quietly” violent and abusive alcoholic home.  I write quietly because there were no police or hospital stays and minimal physical marks.  The source of the violence was my father.  He beat me at times until I turned twelve and was strong enough to stop him. I should also admit that I provoked him.  I also now believe that you should never hit a child.  Through the recovery process I managed to forgive him several years ago.  Then, shortly before he died from Alzheimer complications, I went to visit him in the nursing home where he was staying.  He did not recognize me as his son and had limited cognitive ability.  During that visit God covered us with an umbrella of love and we talked quite intimately for a couple of hours spirit-to-spirit.  I felt nothing but unconditional love for the man before me and I realized that within unconditional love there is no need for forgiveness.