Five years after I was diagnosed by a leading expert in my kind of disability, he told me that I was the only patient of his who was getting better. He asked what I was doing so I explained my holistic practices. In response he said: “I don’t know what you are doing but keep doing it”. Then about five years ago my primary physician was having difficulty finding the correct amount of a new medication for my hypothyroidism. I got fed up so I stopped the medication and worked on healing my thyroid using similar techniques to those I had used before. I knew this approach was risky and I certainly do not recommend it — but it worked for me. At first my doctor thought I had simply figured out the right amount of my new medication so I told him I had healed it. He later commented that it was surprising it had healed spontaneously. I am left with a question I heard many years ago: “How many white crows do you have to see before you are convinced that all crows are not black?