Wednesday, January 22, 2014


As I said yesterday, I was struggling for a while.  It struck me today that within a couple of hours, I saw the event as trivial, took responsibility for my part and did not create any new karma with an angry emotional outburst.  Later that evening, I began to smile and laugh about the incident.  All-in-all, that was a pretty good turn around time.
The topic in the recovery meeting I went to today was “delusions”.  I did not get called on but began reflecting on my own brain’s tendency to grasp on to various delusions, rather than simply see reality.  For example, the notion that “living right” or being of service would somehow protect me from the difficulties of being disabled and getting older, when in reality I know nothing about my future.  I find it better to attempt to look beyond the delusions, smile at my brain’s tendency and focus on the wonder of being alive, today.  If I do that, I realize that I have a wonderful life, stay in the present and enjoy it as it comes.