Tuesday, July 9, 2024


  This is another event that could not have happened, but did and the only reason I know it was real  is I recall clearly how it felt ... the power of it.  I have accessed and used that healing power many times.  I use a shadow of that power daily for my own healing.  I can access that power and use it but it is not mine. Quit a gift.

It was around the year 2000 while guiding sweat lodges and living in Flagstaff, AZ.  I was guiding myself and three others through the last of the third round in our small Navajo style lodge.  One large round stone was brought in and it rolled out of the pit in my direction, splitting open to reveal its bright red interior.  In the process of trying to get out of its way, I put my hand on the exposed red part. The lodge was quickly filled with the sizzling sound and the smell of burning flesh.  I must have been in some sort of trance because I felt no pain.  I simply told them it would be OK and to close the door for the last round.  I could feel the power of healing during that round and when the round was over my hand was healed ... not even a scar.  I needed to know that feeling and have used it since.