Friday, July 5, 2024


  In 1995, shortly after moving to Flagstaff, I was getting to know the Sundance/sweat lodge community and was invited to sit in the arbor for the coming Sundance.  My wife made it quite clear that she did not approve of the Sundance or my interest in that direction.  Not wishing to offend anyone or cause a problem, I asked the Universe for support and guidance.

A few days later I was sitting in my office and my secretary came back to tell me that there was a man out front who wished to speak to me.  She then brought back a dark skinned, very interesting looking young man.  I asked how I could help him and he told me that he had just come from California and that his name was Charlie Horton.  He said that he was walking through Flagstaff when he saw my plaque out front and decided to come in since we had the same name.  I then asked what he was doing in Flagstaff and he told me he was on the way to the Sundance!  I took that as a clear directive that I should attend the Sundance so I did.

While sitting in the arbor, I was invited by Charlie and other dancers to come forward and be blessed.  They stroked my head, shoulders and heart area with eagle feathers while chanting and dancing ... very moving.  I then returned to my seat in the arbor. While sitting there I very clearly felt someone or something stroking the top of my bald head with what felt like an eagle feather.  Assuming it was just a kid or someone behind me, I brushed them away.  This happened three more times and on the last time I turned around to find no-one there.  It was then I realized I was being blessed by the spirits ... also very moving.

When this happened I was left with the question of whether these events were evidence of a higher, guiding and loving consciousness or synchronicity and active imagination.  I chose to believe the former and since then, similar sequences have happened so many times that I am comfortable with that choice.