This website is about the value of love, spirituality, the potential of the mind-body connection and the connection with all things. These are my daily thoughts about my life, my feelings, and my spiritual journey. I post these "Daily Journals" on a regular basis, so please come back often to read my latest posting.
Friday, November 6, 2015
This evening I have been questioning my own level of recovery, a good but uncomfortable process. It is good for me to note that I am not being hard on myself as I did in the past, not putting myself down, but rather just attempting to be objective. Today I had an opportunity to listen to someone else’s inventory of subjects like honesty, integrity and fear. During my listening to him I became increasingly aware that I still have passing thoughts of the fears that used to lead me to dishonesty and a lack of integrity. I just no longer act on them, choosing instead to act out of love. The words of Mother Theresa come to mind “Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.”